Broccoli-cheese soup is my life. There's something about it that triggers a happy, peaceful memory. That's why I'm sharing my easy broccoli cheese soup...
These chicken breasts are full of Mexican flavor and oven-baked to tender juicy perfection. This is a quick and delicious way to prepare chicken for your...
These Crispy Baked Chicken Tenders are made extra crispy with panko breadcrumbs and garlic butter. Crazy delicious, juicy and easy chicken dinner that's...
This Grilled Hawaiian BBQ Chicken recipe is perfect for outdoor summer grilling and makes a great dinner for the whole family. Enjoy alone, with rice or...
Here's the right way to cook spaghetti squash boats! This method will leave you with a juicy, tender, spaghetti-like experience every single time. Full...
I created this recipe to be beautiful, tasty (of course) as well as relatively budget-friendly. There are lots of vegetables in the stock and base as I...
These easy vegan black bean tostadas are chock full of flavor and make a great weeknight dinner option. Pick up a can of beans and corn tortillas and you...
This Keto Coconut Shrimp is coated in a coconut flour mixture with spices like chili and paprika, with unsweetened shredded coconut. This recipe is keto,...
What's a St. Paddy's Day celebration without corned beef brisket? This recipe is one of my favorites, the sticky bourbon-molasses glaze gives the meat...
This one pot vegan lemon orzo primavera is seriously one of my favorite meals ever! It's packed with tender vegetables, takes under 30 minutes to make,...
This Cajun blackened chicken caesar salad was absolutely delicious. The chicken was super moist and packed with flavor. We used lettuce for the salad,...
Impress your guests with these Chewy Blackened Tofu Steaks. Made with extra-firm tofu marinated in a mixture of sauces and spices and then grilled to perfection...